MARCH 2025
We hope you'll join us on Tuesday nights for dinner at 5:30 and classes/groups at 6:30 pm. Childcare for preschool and younger and programming for kids & students is also available each week!
Class List:
Cokesbury partners with the Knoxville/Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC) to offer Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA). These free tax preparation services are available to families with low to moderate income and seniors (age 60+). Find out if you are eligible here.
Appointments for 2024 income tax preparation will be available from January 28 - April 15, 2025.
You may book an appointment reservation up to three weeks in advance. Please note: After you choose your "service" at Cokesbury, you will be asked to select a "station." If your preferred appointment time is not available when you select "Intake 1 (Cokesbury)" please try "Intake 2 (Cokesbury)".
In addition to appointments for in-person preparation on the North campus, as we have offered in years past, we will also be offering drop-off appointments. Allow about 15 minutes to complete the intake paperwork, and we will call you when your return is ready.
You can also call (865) 244-3086 for assistance making an appointment at Cokesbury or any other CAC site.
On Wednesday, March 5, we'll gather as a church family for Ash Wednesday. This reflective service will help us as we begin the season of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. We'll hear from Rev. Andrew Lay and feature music from both of our worship teams. We'll also collect a special offering to benefit Camp in the Community, which provides free summer camps for children in poverty throughout the Holston Conference.
What if we could help our city make real, lasting changes to make housing more affordable, to address gaps in public transportation, and to help our neighbors create lasting positive impacts on economic instability? Through the joint effort of 23 congregations of diverse denominations and faith traditions, Justice Knox makes these lasting changes. Learn more about Justice Knox and Cokesbury's contributions to solving these problems and more at our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, March 9 at 11:15 am in the Gathering Place on the South Campus. Questions? Contact Mary Groh.
Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of each month for lunch, fellowship, and special programming. For those of us who are still young at heart; ages 55+. Questions? Want to RSVP? Contact Shirley at 865-246-0448 or email at
Our Tech Team needs you! Training is provided to help with screens, sound, and lights on Sunday mornings or Thursday nights. Serve once per month, or whenever your schedule allows. Just check the "Tech Team" box on the Volunteer form below.
Chris Fulwider is again selling his infamous Italian Bean Soup, with proceeds benefitting Cokesbury's community ministries. Soup is available for $15 per quart. Both Original and Hot & Spicy versions are available. Pick up your preordered soup on Sunday, March 9, after any worship service.
Grief Share is for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:30-8 pm in Room 200 on the North Campus and on Zoom.
Introducing the "Fig Blossoms" candle by Family Tree Candle Company, in honor of the Connection Center. "Fig Blossoms," was created with hints of refreshing pear, cherry blossom, and an earthy amber base.
Family Tree Candle Company will donate 40% of each "Fig Blossoms" purchase to The Connection Center, making this beautiful candle the perfect gift for yourself or others. Family Tree Candle Company is located right here in Knoxville, and local orders can choose to pick up your candle at Cokesbury to save on shipping. All the details are available on the Family Tree Candle Company website.
You can also purchase candles at Salon OC Knox.
We are excited to share an opportunity for individuals and families who are on the foster care and/or adoptive journey. Whether you are a current foster or adoptive parent or are interested in learning more about what it means to foster or adopt, we invite you to join us on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 in the conference room on the North Campus. Cokesbury Kids and Cokesbury Students meet at the same time as our group, so your kiddos will be having fun while you take part in this group. Questions? Email
Heidi for more information.
PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the weather, The Foster & Adoptive Support Group is meeting at Hey Bear Cafe: please email
Heidi to confirm the meeting location.
Cokesbury Women meet on Tuesday evenings, Wednesday mornings, and Thursday mornings.
Now available for worship services and events in the Sanctuary on the South Campus and the Worship Room on the North Campus: Assistive Listening technology! Whether you use Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids or have headphones (including wireless earbuds) that work with your smartphone, you can connect directly to the sound system for Assistive Listening. Simply join the "Assistive Listening" secure wifi network while you are on campus with us, and download the "ListenWIFI" app from your app store. For more information, stop by the Information Desk and ask about Assistive Listening.
Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of each month for lunch, fellowship, and special programming. For those of us who are still young at heart; ages 55+. Questions? Contact Shirley at 865-246-0448 or email at
Our Monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be on the third Thursday of each month. Join us at 8 am on the North Campus for breakfast and fellowship.
No one should face confusing legal circumstances alone. We can help. Knoxville Legal Ministry holds a FREE monthly legal advice clinic on the North Campus at Cokesbury Church. Clinics are held on the second Saturday of each month from 8:45 am to 12 noon.
The next clinic will be on Saturday, February 8.
We will help provide answers and direction regarding your legal matters, create a customized plan for you, and walk through a step-by-step process to finding freedom.
To get started, gather any information you’d like for us to review, make an appointment at link the below. Learn more by emailing
In an effort to better serve our neighbors, we are collecting information on language fluency. If you are fluent in a language other than English, will you please
fill out this form? We may be in contact with you if we have a guest or client who needs help with translations to access our services. Thank you!
Thank You for your faithful giving to God’s work at Cokesbury, and your incredible generosity. Your gifts equip us to love people into a relationship with Jesus to change the world. To give to Cokesbury Church or to view 2023 giving, click here.
Subscribe to receive our Daily Bible Readings, Text Alerts, Weekly Email Updates, and ministry-specific news. Use the link below and check the boxes for the lists you are interested in joining.
Go back and catch that sermon you missed, listen again to a message you loved, and start each day with our Daily Bible Reading in podcast format. Let Cokesbury keep you company all week long.
If you haven’t already, please download our Cokesbury Church app, which integrates giving, online forms, ministry communications and more: making it easier than ever to stay connected. Download our app (iTunes or Google Play) and set up your account login and profile picture, or visit here. Questions? Email us at
The Cokesbury Choir is welcoming new members! Join us as we raise our voices in beautiful anthems and worship songs. No experience is necessary. We help lead worship each week in our Traditional worship service on the South Campus. The choir meets every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the lower level of the South Campus. Reach out to Marcelo at (865) 247-3714 with any questions.
March 2025
9am North Worship
10am South Worship
10:15am North Worship
11:30am North Worship
Show all
5:30pm Cokesbury Students
6:30pm Recovery at Cokesbury
Cokesbury Students Fifty-Six Retreat
9am North Worship
10am South Worship
10:15am North Worship
11:30am North Worship
5pm Young Adult Worship Night
5pm Ladies Game Night
Show all
5:30pm Cokesbury Students
6:30pm Recovery at Cokesbury
8:45am Knoxville Legal Ministry
9am North Worship
10am South Worship
10:15am North Worship
11:30am North Worship
Show all
5:30pm Cokesbury Students
6:30pm Recovery at Cokesbury
9am North Worship
10am South Worship
10:15am North Worship
11:30am North Worship
Show all
KCS Spring Break
12pm Young at Heart Luncheon
8am Men's Prayer Breakfast
6:30pm Recovery at Cokesbury
9am North Worship
10am South Worship
10:15am North Worship
11:30am North Worship
Show all
5:30pm Cokesbury Students
6:30pm Recovery at Cokesbury
9am North Worship
10am South Worship
10:15am North Worship
11:30am North Worship
Show all
5:30pm Cokesbury Students
6:30pm Recovery at Cokesbury
9919 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37922
Office Hours:
Our office is currently staffed Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 3:30 pm. You are always welcome to contact us via email or phone.
(865) 693-0353
Site and content © Cokesbury Church 2025